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Events for Friday, December 15, 2023

The galleries, mansion, and shop are open today 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Open Face at Eastman Museum is open 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday, December 15, 2023, All Day

Gregory Halpern: 19 winters / 7 springs

Project Gallery

19 winters / 7 springs contends with the idea of Buffalo, New York, and the lives of its inhabitants—its human and animal life, its architecture and landscape—all rendered by Gregory Halpern in their dynamic complexity. This exhibition plots the cyclical nature of time and the passage of seasons, but Halpern’s photographs also register both the visual evidence of history and the particularity of life in the present.

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Friday, December 15, 2023, All Day

Gillian Laub: Southern Rites

Main Galleries

In Southern Rites, Gillian Laub engages her skills as a photographer, filmmaker, and visual activist to examine the realities of racism and raise questions that are simultaneously painful and essential to understanding the American consciousness.

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Friday, December 15, 2023, All Day

Selections from the Collection

Collection Gallery
As the George Eastman Museum approaches and celebrates its 75th anniversary, we are featuring a group of exhibitions that highlight a wide range of holdings from the museum’s collection. With this selection of objects in the Collection Gallery, we continue our broad survey of works to draw parallels and connections between photography, history, and culture. The objects chosen for this exhibition will chart a course through this history, identifying notable movements and trends while giving context to a breadth of photographic practices, technologies, communities, and traditions.
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Friday, December 15, 2023, All Day

One Hundred Years Ago: George Eastman in 1923

Historic Mansion

This annual display in the historic mansion provides a glimpse of George Eastman’s life and work one hundred years ago. The new selection of objects highlights the goings on in 1923—most notably the release of the Ciné-Kodak and 16mm motion picture film and a 10-week expedition in the Cassiar region of Alaska and British Columbia, which became his favorite camping destination for the remainder of his life.

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Friday, December 15, 2023, 7:30 p.m.

Splice Here: A Projected Odyssey

Dryden Theatre

Rochester Premiere “Film is dead!” was the mantra that accompanied the dawn of digital cinema. But was it really true? For those who worked with film, it was clear that the digital experience and film simply weren’t the same thing. A decade ago, projectionist and filmmaker Rob Murphy decided to engage the debate with this film, asking the people who would really know: his fellow projectionists.

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