fbpx School Group Form | George Eastman Museum

School Group Form

Please use the full school name and number if applicable 

Please select what grades students will be from

Please provide specific details on your goals for the on-site tour. Briefly describe your class that will be visiting the museum?

Please review the Educator's Page for Current Educational Resources. 

Chaperone Policy: One adult per ten students receives the $7.00 rate. Additional adults pay the adult group rate of $17.00.  

Example - 40 students - Four adults would receive the $7.00 rate, any additional adults would pay the adult group rate of $17.00.

1:1 Aides do not count as chaperones for the required adult for ten students. There is no charge for 1:1 Aides. 
How will your group be arriving to the museum? 
For eligible schools and organizations, the Eastman Museum offers billing following the visit. Please indicate if payment upon arrival or billing following the visit is preferred. 

Please contact [email protected] for any logistical changes in your tour or to cancel the tour.

Please reach out to our museum educator with any questions - [email protected]