The Round-Up (35mm)
Curator's Choice | Recent Acquisitions In the wake of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, a remote outpost is established to be a prison camp for suspected rebels.
Curator's Choice | Recent Acquisitions In the wake of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, a remote outpost is established to be a prison camp for suspected rebels.
Henry Fonda for President Henry Fonda steps into the present day and into the Red Scare as professor Tommy Turner, English teacher at the football-crazed Midwestern University, who finds himself in hot water with the boosters and the administration when he plans to read Bartolomeo Vanzetti’s sentencing statement as an example of eloquent amateur composition.
On the Backbeat: Black Music Documentaries Jazz comes out of dark clubs and into the sun in this compelling documentary on the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival.
Valentine’s Day | Recent Acquisitions | To Collect and Project A war of wits, hearts, words, and music, all in the bright shades of 1960s films such as Pillow Talk, Let’s Make Love, and Send Me No Flowers.
Henry Fonda for President Aboard a cruise ship leaving the Amazon, woman-shy snake expert Charles Pike (Henry Fonda) finds himself the chosen prey of a father-daughter card shark team. Everything is driven astray however, when the daughter, Jean Harrington (Barbara Stanwyck), falls head-over-heels in love with the sucker.
From Rochester, With Love Audrey Hepburn, who visited Rochester frequently in her later years, followed up her breakout success in Roman Holiday with this wonderful romantic triangle featuring Humphrey Bogart and William Holden.
Henry Fonda for President Using newsreel footage from the U.S., war footage from Europe, and some re-enactments with Virgil Richardson, co-founder of the American Negro Theatre and a World War II Tukeege airman, director Leo Hurwitz argues that the Allies’ triumph in the war constituted a “strange victory,” considering that the battle against discriminatory governments represented no advancement in our own social landscape.
Henry Fonda for President This adaptation of the successful Broadway play features Henry Fonda repeating his role as the title character, an officer on a backwater Navy cargo ship in the waning days of World War II.
On the Backbeat: Black Music Documentaries Back-up singers are not only overshadowed, but often overlooked, in the creation of some of pop’s greatest music, despite often having better voices than the artists they’re backing. This documentary focuses on four women - one who has finally broken through (Darlene Love), two who have never been given their due (Merry Clayton and Lisa Fischer), and one who is still striving to make her mark in music (Judith Hill).
Recent Acquisitions | To Collect and Project Queen Elizabeth I’s rise to power and early rule in a fractured England is dramatized in this lush production. Loyalty is split along religious lines when Catholic Queen Mary I dies in 1558, leaving her half-sister, Protestant Elizabeth, as the heir to the throne.
Recent Acquisitions | To Collect and Project Queen Elizabeth I’s rise to power and early rule in a fractured England is dramatized in this lush production. Loyalty is split along religious lines when Catholic Queen Mary I dies in 1558, leaving her half-sister, Protestant Elizabeth, as the heir to the throne.
Rochester Premiere Through the lens of legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog, Theater of Thought takes audiences on a provocative journey into the study of the mind and consciousness, daring us to question whether we truly have autonomy over our throughs, or if our brains will inevitable become infused with mind-controlling technology in the not-so-distant future.
Make Mine Musicals A parade of MGM stars march across the screen in this musical, with Gene Kelly and Kathryn Grayson as the leading the charge.
Henry Fonda for President Henry Fonda stars in this classic courtroom drama that takes place almost entirely within the sweltering jury room on the hottest day of the year.
On the Backbeat: Black Music Documentaries In the summer of 1969 - the year man went to the moon and rock fans were descending on Woodstock - nightclub singer Tony Lawrence, with backing from the city, put on the third and final Harlem Cultural Festival, a series of six concerts from June to August that would bring the borough together and promote Black pride.
Recent Acquisitions | To Collect and Project Audrey Wells considered herself a screenwriter first, earning the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award for Guinevere, which was also her directorial debut. The film follows Harper Sloane (Sarah Polley), a young, Harvard-bound woman ill-fitting in her family of high-powered lawyers...