fbpx Montage I: Paint and Painter | George Eastman Museum

The screening of Lumière: Discovered in the Multipurpose Hall will resume January 24. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Montage I: Paint and Painter

00:00 Introduction by Gordon Nelson, Digital Archivist, Moving Image Department, George Eastman Museum
03:17 Montage I: Paint and Painter

Montage I: Paint and Painter (US 1959)
Director: Wayne D. Sourbeer
Cinematographer: Wayne D. Sourbeer
Painter: Corban LePell
Music: Marvin Granostaff
Editor: Mel Witrogen
Sound: Larry Albright
Production company: Montage Productions

Production date: 1959
Length (in feet): 211 ft. (16mm)
Length (in reels): 1
Sound: 6 track Maurer multiple VA track
Color: replication of original Kodachrome
Running time: 5 min., 50 sec.

Generous support for the video introduction provided by Art Bridges.

Preserved with funding from the National Film Preservation Foundation’s Avant-Garde Masters Grant program funded by The Film Foundation
Preserved at The Cinema Lab
Digitized by Eastman Film Preservation Services
This film has been made accessible to the public in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: NEH CARES. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this video, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

The relationship between forms in nature and their interpretation in art is explored in independent avant-garde filmmaker Wayne Sourbeer’s gentle and thoughtful film. Sourbeer follows abstract impressionist painter Corban LePell as he creates one painting, neatly juxtaposing LePell’s various processes with the images in nature that influence him. An original score by Marvin Granostaff completes the circle.