fbpx The Quince Tree Sun | George Eastman Museum

The Quince Tree Sun

Thursday, August 20, 2015, 8 p.m., Dryden Theatre

In the fall of 1990, the celebrated Spanish painter Antonio López García decides to create a new work. Subject of his still-life: a sun-drenched quince tree in his backyard. Lopez turns out to be a most meticulous artist. Before he starts painting, he carefully measures the tree and pinpoints special points of interest. His idea and desire is not only to paint the tree, but also to capture the fleeting moment of morning sunlight sliding along the juicy autumnal fruits. He patiently tries, fails, tries again, fails better—all while time passes and seasons of the year change. The Quince Tree Sun, existing in that special territory beyond the categories of fiction and documentary, is a sublime portrayal of nothing less than the ideas of art and inspiration themselves. It is also a portrayal of the inevitable passing of time and humans’ yearning for beauty.

Print courtesy of Filmoteca Española.