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Tribute Gifts


A tax-deductible gift made to the George Eastman Museum in one’s name is a meaningful way to mark a special occasion or to remember or honor a beloved family member or respected friend or colleague. A tribute gift is perfect for the person who “has everything” or has a particular interest in photography, film, or the home and gardens of George Eastman.

Acknowledging Gifts

When you make a memorial or honor gift to the Eastman Museum, please indicate the honoree’s name and contact information so that the appropriate individuals may be notified of your gift. Your honoree or their family will receive a card acknowledging your thoughtful generosity. All memorial and honor gifts, regardless of size, are acknowledged to the honoree or their family without revealing the amount of the contribution.

Gifts can be made online, by mail, or by phone.

To make a gift by mail, please make your check payable to George Eastman Museum and mail to:

George Eastman Museum 
900 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607

To learn more or to make a tribute gift by phone, please contact Katie Adams (585) 327-4833 or [email protected].