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Films Restored


[Mary Pickford Technicolor No. 2 test for The Black Pirate] (US 1926)


His Baby Doll (Harry Williams, US 1917)


The Old Family Toothbrush (US 1925)


[Fête du Palais-Royal #3: Re-enactment of Scenes from “Notre-Dame de Paris”] (France, 1899)

Upon completion of the academic year, selected students of the L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation are awarded fellowships in a variety of archives, laboratories, and film festivals nationally and internationally.

Certain fellowships provide recipients with the opportunity to coordinate a restoration project of a film from the moving image collection at the George Eastman Museum. These academic rewards ensure that fellows receive credit on the restored print.

The Haghefilm Fellowship, established in 1998, provides resources for the restoration of one title to be represented at various international festivals and events. In the past, the Selznick School has worked with the National Library of Norway in Mo i Rana, where students preserved a film at the state-of-the-art Mo i Rana laboratories, with Technicolor, and with the San Francisco Silent Film Festival.

Films Preserved by Fellowship Recipients

Les Fromages automobiles
(Georges Méliès, France 1907)
Catherine Cormon (Switzerland, France)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

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Stereoscopic film test
(William Thomas Crespinel, US 1921)
Goivanni Schiano Lomoriello (Italy)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam


[Mary Pickford Technicolor No. 2 test for The Black Pirate]
(US 1926)
Wendy Beth Glickman (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam


The Old Family Toothbrush
(US 1925)
Brigitte Paulowitz (Austria)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

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L'Histoire d'une Rose
(Camille de Morlhon, France 1911)
Sonia Genaitay (France)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

White Water
(Bert Van Tuyle, US 1924)
Heather Marie Stilin (United States)
The National Library of Norway, Mo i Rana


[Red Cross Promotional—Ingrid Bergman]
(US ca. 1945)
Heather Marie Stilin (United States)
The National Library of Norway, Mo i Rana

L'Album Merveilleux
(Gaston Velle, France 1905)
Heather M. Olson (United States)
Technicolor, North Hollywood

Lost-A Yodel
(C. L. Chester, US 1920)
Susan Busam (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

[Two Color Kodachrome Subtractive Process Test Reel]
(US ca. 1922)
Ember A. Lundgren (Canada)
Technicolor, North Hollywood


Boireau, Bonhomme De Pain D' Epice
(France 1913)
Daniel Richard Blazek (United States)
The National Library of Norway, Mo I Rana

[For the Love of Pete]
(US ca. 1930)
Siusan Moffat (Canada)
Technicolor, North Hollywood

Gone With the Wind [Various Tests]
(US ca. 1939)
Donna L. Ellithorpe (United States)
Technicolor, North Hollywood

The Last Call
(All Hall, US 1922)
Annette S. Groschke (Germany)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam


Colorful Fashions from Paris, Displayed by Hope Hampton
(US 1925–1926)
Albert L. Steg (United States)
Technicolor, North Hollywood

Married On Credit
(US 1915)
Nancy Kauffman (United States)
Technicolor, North Hollywood

Chiquita the Dancer
(Gilbert P. Hamilton, US 1912)
Ulrich Ruedel (Germany)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

A Ramble on Skates with Inky Dink
(US c. 1905)
Ulrich Ruedel (Germany)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

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Unveiling the Rochambeau Statue, Washington DC
(US 1902)
Ulrich Ruedel (Germany)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

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Broncho Billy's Adventure
(Reginald Barker, US 1911)
Pat Doyen (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

Bottom of the Sea
(Lubin Manufacturing Co., US 1914)
Pat Doyen (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

Youthful Old Age
(Pathe Exchange, US 1936)
Brian Meacham (United States)
Technicolor, Hollywood


(Eastman Kodak Co., US ca. 1925)
Daniela Currò (Italy)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

The Voice Invisible
(American Pathé, US ca. 1920)
Vincent Pirozzi (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

Making a Record
(American Pathé, US ca. 1920)
Vincent Pirozzi (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

MGM Stock Footage- Camera Down Hollywood Blvd., Circa 1929
Antonella Bonfanti (Canada)
Technicolor, Hollywood


When Flowers Bloom
(Castle Films, US 1929)
Tatiana Carvalho (Brazil)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

Out from Tobaccoland
(ca. 1949)
John Klacsmann (United States)
Technicolor, Hollywood

Screensnapshots #7
Anne Smatla (United States)
Monaco Digital Film Labs, San Francisco, part of the San Francisco Silent Film Festival Fellowship


Kodachrome Test
(Eastman Kodak Co., US 1922)
Sabrina Negri (Italy)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

His Baby Doll
(Harry Williams, US 1917)
Elisabeth Rennie (Canada)
Technicolor, Hollywood

McCall Colour Fashion News
(Eastman Kodak Co., US ca. 1920)
Kyle Westphal (United States)
Monaco Digital Film Labs, San Francisco, part of the San Francisco Silent Film Festival Fellowship


Mulchays Raid
(Essanay, US 1910)
Karin Carlson (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

A College Chicken
(Essanay, US 1910)
Karin Carlson (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam

Mr. Fix-it
(Allan Dwan, US 1918)
Ken Fox (United States)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam, part of the
San Francisco Silent Film Festival Fellowship


Rosalie Fait du Sabotage
(Romeo Bosetti, France, ca. 1911)
Clara Sánchez-Dehesa Galán (Spain)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam


Technicolor Fragments 
(US ca. 1929–30)
Josh Romphf (Canada)
Haghefilm, Amsterdam


A Day with John Burroughs
(World, US 1919)
Carole Fodor (France)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam


La Rose Bleue
(Léonce Perret, France 1911)
Lauren Alberque (United States)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam


Un Drame en Mer 
(Gaston Velle, France 1905)
Erin Palombi (United States)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam

Petite Rosse 
(Camille de Morlhon, France 1909)
Erin Palombi (United States)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam


A Ray of Sunshine after the Rain 
(Frederick S. Armitage, US 1899)
Janneke van Dalen (Netherlands)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam

[Unidentified William Haggar Film] 
(Haggar & Sons, UK ca. 1902)
Janneke van Dalen (Netherlands)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam

The Summer Boarders
(G.W. Bitzer, US 1905)
Janneke van Dalen (Netherlands)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam

A Strange Adventure
(Marshall Neilan, US 1917)
Janneke van Dalen (Netherlands)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam


[Fête du Palais-Royal #3: Re-enactment of Scenes from “Notre-Dame de Paris”]
(France, 1899)
Samuel B. Lane (US)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam


(US 1929)
Julia Mettenleiter (Germany)
Hagehilm Digitaal, Amsterdam

Les Remeaux, Hosannah! 
(France 1909)
Julia Mettenleiter (Germany)
Hagehilm Digitaal, Amsterdam


(Vasilii Goncharov, Kai Hansen, Aleksandr Uralski, RU 1912)
Leenali Khairnar (India)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Amsterdam

The Chicken Thief
(Wallace McCutcheon, Frank J. Marion, US 1904)
Florian Höhensteiger (Germany)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Waddinxveen

Wonderful Water (Prizma Inc., US 1922)
Alma Macbride (United States)
Haghefilm Digitaal, Waddinxveen

Mr. Jack Ducks the Alimony (C. J. Williams, US 1916)
Masha Matzke (Germany) 
Haghefilm, Waddinxveen