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The screening of Lumière: Discovered in the Multipurpose Hall will resume January 24. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Window Repair & Restoration

Window Repair & Restoration Project [2020–2021]
The George Eastman Museum is undertaking restoration of 68 windows original to the historic mansion, installed between 1903 and 1905.

More than a century of severe weather has compromised the windows’ functionality and their ability to protect the interior and the structural integrity of the mansion. Customized, properly fitted, preservation-approved storm windows will also be installed to improve energy efficiency while preserving the historic elements and appearance of the property. In addition, 44 sets of window shutters will be restored.







George Eastman Museum, herein known as “Owner,” will receive sealed bids for National Historic Landmark Restoration (Windows and Shutters Restoration Project), herein known as “Project,” until 1:00 pm local time on Friday, June 26, 2020.  Sealed bids (Attn: Rich Magnanti, Facilities Director) will be received at the Security Desk of the George Eastman Museum, 900 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14607.  Bids received after this time will not be accepted.  Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud by the Architect and Owner in the Discovery Room (George Eastman Museum) at 1:15pm.  Social distancing rules at the bid opening will be strictly enforced (6’ distance between attendees at all times).  Wearing face masks will be required for all attendees while on the George Eastman Museum campus.

Bidders must be properly licensed under the laws governing their respective trades and be able to obtain insurance and bonds required for the Work.  Project will be publicly bid and constructed under a single prime contract for construction.

Each bid must be prepared and submitted on the prescribed forms in accordance with the Bidding and Contract Documents; each bidder must submit a complete Form of Proposal.

Each bid must be accompanied by references of similar projects and a Bid Security in the form of a Certified Check, Bid Bond or Bank Check in the amount of (10%) ten percent of the bid amount.

Bidders must have a minimum of 5 years successful experience in completion of similar projects for State, National or locally registered landmarks.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond, and Labor & Material Bond each for 100% of the amount of the Contract.  The completion date for this project is December 7, 2021.

This project is being funded in part by a grant administered by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Under Article 15A, Executive Law.  It is the policy of the State of New York to encourage participation of minority and woman-owned business enterprises in State-funded projects.  The Contractor, by bidding on the contract, acknowledges understanding and support of this policy and pledges to fully cooperate with The George Eastman Museum in meeting NYS requirements as set forth in the Bidding and Contract Documents.

The State has established a goal for MWBE participation of 30% Minority and Women-Owned Businesses combined, include at least 13% MBE participation and 17% WBE participation.  The lowest bidder must submit, either with their bid or within seven business days of notification of selection, a Grants MWBE Utilization Plan, Contractor’s Solicitation Log and documentation that NYS Certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) were contacted during preparation of said bid.  Participants that do not submit the Grants MWBE Utilization Plan, Contractor’s Solicitation Log and evidence of their good faith efforts will be deemed non-responsive and their bid may be rejected.  Evidence of good faith efforts is contact by certified mail, follow-up with phone contact and a summary of all contact and results.  Prior to the award of a contract to the lowest bidder, review and acceptance of the bid summary and all MWBE documentation by State Parks is required.

This project is funded in part by a grant from the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation through Title 9 of the Environmental Protection Act of 1993.

All bidders are subject to the terms of the NYS Master Contract for Grants -- Standard Terms and Conditions, which can be found online at http://grantsreform.ny.gov.

All bidders are subject to the terms of the Master Contract “Attachment A-1 (State Funded Grant) Program Specific Terms and Conditions” (copy enclosed in Project Manual).

Upon selection, for all contracts that equal or exceed $100,000, the contractor will be required to submit to the State a “Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire: Construction - For-Profit.”  The questionnaire can be found online at: http://www.osc.state.ny.us/vendrep/forms_vendor.htm

Attendance is encouraged at one (1) of two (2) pre-bid conferences at the site (meet in the circular driveway in front of the Mansion along East Ave) - on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 10:00am, or Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 4:00pm. All bidders are required to either visit the site at one (1) of the pre-bid conferences, or view an on-line video of the pre-bid conference in order to familiarize themselves with the project requirements. Due to the museum’s temporary closure, a separate return visit to the site is not available for bidders at this time. Social distancing rules at the pre-bid conferences will be strictly enforced (6’ distance between attendees at all times).  Wearing face masks will be required for all attendees while on the George Eastman Museum campus.

Each pre-bid conference day will be divided into two (2) segments: a general review of the rules and requirements of the overall project including any questions or comments from bidders, and a guided walk-thru of the mansion to see the conditions and interior access for the window units individually.  The general review will take place outside in the circular driveway along East Ave.  The guided walk-thru will be conducted with (1) Museum staff personnel and (1) bidder only.  Video recordings of both segments will be provided by the Museum and uploaded to the Museum’s project bidding webpage at:


Effective May 22, 2020 - paper & electronic versions of the Bidding Documents will be distributed by: Rotolite-Elliott, One Grove St, Suite 123, Pittsford, NY 14534. 

Digital copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained upon a non-refundable payment of $59 per set of bid documents through Rotolite Elliott Corporation’s Online Plan Room - 


Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained with a bid deposit by certified check of $100 per set of bid documents.  Deposit checks are to be payable to Bero Architecture PLLC.  Cash or personal checks will not be accepted as a form of deposit.

Bidders requiring Bidding Documents by mail should include an additional $25 check for postage and handling (postage and handling will not be refunded).  Each bid deposit will be refunded to bidders submitting a complete bid if the Bidding Documents are returned to the Architect intact, clean, and unaltered within 10 days of the bid opening.

Bidding Documents will also be available for free public viewing at the following location: Builders Exchange of Rochester. 

Applicable prevailing wage rates are required for this project; please refer to “Document 000021 – NYS Department of Labor Prevailing Wage Rate Schedule.”

Bids may be held by the Owner for a period not to exceed forty-five (45) days from the date of the opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of the Bidders prior to awarding the Contract.

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any informalities and irregularities in the bidding. The Owner intends to award the Project to the bidder which, in the Owner’s judgment, is determined to be the most responsive and responsible bidder that serves the Owner's best interest.

The Owner is a tax-exempt organization; an exemption certificate and New York State Tax Identification number will be provided to the successful bidder.

The George Eastman Museum has been and will continue to be an equal opportunity organization. All qualified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) suppliers, contractors and/or businesses will be afforded equal opportunity without discrimination because of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual preference or Vietnam Era Veterans status.

This property has been determined to possess historic (e.g., architectural, engineering, artistic) significance and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as a National Historic Landmark.  The contractor shall recognize that all aspects of the property may potentially contribute to this significance and the contractor shall not judge the relative significance of any features nor the impact of any or all proposed work; this responsibility shall rest solely with the architect.  Consequently, no deviations from the contract documents shall be performed and no features or materials shall be altered, removed, reused, or taken from the premises, without the written approval of the architect as being consistent with the requirements of the contract documents.  All work shall be consistent with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.