Virtual Discovery Room
Featured Activity: Dutch Connection & Floral Fun
- Video: How to Plant a Bulb
- PDF: How to Plant a Bulb Instructions
- PDF: Kids Bulb Growth Chart Activity Sheet (Pre K Level)
- PDF: Kids Bulb Growth Chart Activity Sheet (K-3rd Grade Level).
More Activities

Coloring Pages
Grab some pencils, crayons, and markers, and enjoy coloring objects from our collection!

Photography Activities
These activities are a fun, hands-on way to explore the basics of photography using objects you can find around your home.

Pre-Cinema Activities
These activities are designed to demystify the illusion of motion.
- How to make a flipbook (PDF Instructions)
- How to make a thaumatrope (PDF Instructions)
- How to make a phenakistoscope (Instructions Only)

Historic Recipes
Ready to put your cooking skills to the test? Try making one of George Eastman's recipes from 1919!
- PDF: George Eastman's Camp Cookbook
- Video: How to make Eliza's Bread Pudding from George Eastman's Cookbook
- Article: Cooking by the Book: Making Eastman's Camp Recipes (Eliza's Bread Pudding & Rice Pudding)
- Article: Trying More Recipes from George Eastman's Camp Cookbook (Cheese Pudding & Onions Au Gratin)

Virtual Tours
Explore the museum from home with our virtual tours. Through the links below, you can access the historic mansion, see select behind-the-scenes areas, and tour the gardens in full bloom.

Storytime & Activities
Join us for activities and stories from George Eastman's historic library
- Snowflake Photography Fun: Book Recommendations and Snowflake Activity Video, and explore snowflake photographs in our collection
- Celebrating the Right to Vote: Book Recommendations, Suffrage Postcard Coloring Pages, and Virtual Tour of the History of Photography
- The Bluest of Blues: Anna Aktins and the First Books of Photography Activity
- A is for Applebiting Alligators Storytime and Activity
- George Eastman crossword puzzle, word search, and secret decorder
- Dutch Connection Activities:
- Video: How to Plant a Bulb
- PDF: How to Plant a Bulb
- Blog Post: Advice on Growing Indoor Plants
- Virtual 360 Tour: Dutch Connection 2021
- Crossword puzzle and word search